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Exploring the Nanoworld

Building upon a Center program originally funded by the Dreyfus foundation, Center members have developed a series of four classes that take a deep dive into four of the seven "big ideas" in nanoscale science and engineering [1]. Equipment and modules have been developed to give the students a thorough understanding of what makes nanoscale science and technology such an important field of study and to make them aware of the societal implications. Students conduct hands-on investigations exploring concepts of size and scale, size-dependent properties, nanofiltration, and understanding the role of forces and self-assembly. The classes were piloted at Arrupe, an inner-city Jesuit high school and long-time Center partner in Denver.  


[1] The Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering by Shawn Y. Stevens, LeeAnn M. Sutherland, and Joseph S. Krajcik (NSTA Press, 2009).