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Flow-Enhanced Vesicle Deformation in the Four-roll Mill

This project leverages ongoing research on the dynamics of DNA and vescicles within CPIMA.Â’  We have developed a novel microfluidic four-roll mill that allows all flow types (from extension to shear to rotation) to be accessed and have previously used it to examine DNA tumbling in mixed flows and, most recently, to study vesicle dynamics. The ability to trap a single vesicle and subject it to varying flow type over long time scales allows us to perform novel studies that will impact the use of vesicles as drug delivery vehicles.Â’  The trapping and relaxation of a vesicle subjected to an extensional flow is shown in the figure.Â’  This experimental work is in collaboration with Eric Shaqfeh, Stanford, who is developing numerical codes to simulate vesicle dynamics.Â’  Ultimately, we expect this work to provide benchmark data for extending simulations of DNA and vesicles to include reaction kinetics and provide a microfluidic tool for bringing together vesicles or other supramolecular assemblies in a controlled manner.